MKR1000 Getting Started

This is a quick installation guide to get started with the MKR1000


If you are working in the Arduino IDE, you need to download the board libraries for the MKR1000. This is very easy as the tools are built into the application. Please make sure Arduino is up to date. (You don’t need to take this step if you work with PlatformIO)

Open the Arduino IDE


In the menus at the top of the screen (or window on PC) click on Tools and navigate to the Board: menu. At the very top of this list you will find the Boards Manager… option. Click on it to open it, a new window will pop up:


Now, in the search criteria, type MKR1000. This should reveal the Arduino SAMD Boards family. Click on the box and select Install


That’s it! Easy peesy.

Now we want to install the WiFi101 library which will help us get connected to WiFi networks – that’s what makes this an interesting board after all! The process is very similar to installing the board libraries, at the top of the screen or window, locate the Sketch menu and find the Include Library submenu. At the very top of the submenu, you will find the Manage Libraries… option, click on it to open the browser in a new window:


Just as we did for the board, type WiFi101 into the search criteria. This should reveal the Wifi101 library. Click on the box and select install:


And that is everything we need to get started. It is sometimes a good idea to restart Arduino to make sure the app finds the new file paths.


Aidan Taylor – Fab-Cre8