Researcher : Huw Williams
The project involves exploring a range of materials for rapid manufacturing methods, mainly FDM and SLA, these materials will be used to explore new possibilities in the area. SLA techniques in particular have high potential due to their significantly better surface finish. The selected materials will provide possibilities for opening up aspects of design through materials research (i.e.: conductive, magnetic and flexible materials).
The objective is to create more knowledge in the field of emerging materials for rapid (digital) manufacturing and open up possibilities for undiscovered art and design uses.
Several experimental materials, such as conductive and magnetic characteristics open up the possibility for electronic, mechanical and flexible designs to be made. The high print quality of the Form 2 printer opens up the possibilities even further.
With the addition of electroplating techniques, more realistic prototypes, models and installations can be produced. The process adds a (more) realistic look, feel and use to many designs. Copper plating conductive material can create a prototype of an actual complex part, but using new and experimental processes.