Prof C Treadaway, J Fennell, A Taylor
LUMA was an object developed in collaboration with members of the Men’s Shed Tondu. This organization exists to support mental health in the community and reduce loneliness and isolation. The collaborative project was included in Gwanwyn festival of creativity and ageing 2018 and a film, funded by the charity Age Cymru, was made to document the project.

The film explains how the LAUGH design team exchanged their digital fabrication expertise with members of the Squirrels Nest, Tondu who were skilled in hand crafting wooden objects. The creative collaboration resulted in LUMA, a hand-held interactive object that can brings the outside experience of nature inside through light and sound.
Exhibited at:
‘LAUGH Exhibition’ – UPSpace Gallery, Marrickville, Sydney, Australia April 11-17th 2018
‘LAUGH Preview’ Royal Society of Arts, London, March 28th 2018
‘LAUGH – A celebration of love and life in care homes’ Senedd Cardiff Bay 16th March 2018
‘LAUGH Exhibition’ CSAD November 19-22nd 2018
Academic conference dissemination at:
International MinD Conference: Designing with and for People with Dementia: Wellbeing, Empowerment and Happiness, Dresden, Germany, September 2019
Public Conference presentation at:
‘LAUGH Research’ LAUGH Symposium, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, April 11th 2018
‘LAUGH – A celebration of love and life in care homes’ Senedd Cardiff Bay 16th March 2018
Published in:
Treadaway, C., Fennell, J., Taylor A. & Kenning G. ‘Designing for playfulness through compassion: design for advanced dementia’, Design for Health, DOI: 10.1080/24735132.2019.1593295
LUMA – playful object
Video ‘Open Doors’
Treadaway, C. Fennell, J., Prytherch, D., Kenning, G. Prior, A., Walters, A. (2018) Compassionate Design: How to Design for Advanced Dementia – a toolkit for designers, Pub. Cardiff Met University, ISBN 978-0-9929482-8-3
Peer Reviewed Academic Journals:
Treadaway, C., Taylor, A. & J. Fennell (2018) ‘Compassionate design for dementia care’, International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, ISSN: 2165-0349 DOI: 10.1080/21650349.2018.1501280